Stem Cell Transplant Scheduled

After much to do - my stem cell transplant is offically on the schedule for AUGUST 4th. Last week alone they moved the transplant foward and backwards 4 times. Not because I was sick or could'nt handle it but because of insurance. I told everyone at the transplant center that I wasn't having it! NO WAY not because of insurance. Started making some calls and yelling a bit and totally pulling the CANCER CARD, which as other patients know can come in handy at times. So at 4:30 on Friday I got the call from Aetna and they sent in the approval.
All I could think is that I was going to sit here for a week and do NOTHING. In a moment of tears at the Dr.'s office I was talking to the Mid-level about my fear of not being in treatment and the tumors growing back. She said and I quote "even if the tumors are growing back when we do the transplant the chemo is so harsh they will shrink again". That DID NOT make me feel better. All in all no complaints b/c it is moved and I am happy. I start Busulfan at home tomorrow so pretty much a pill every 2 hours all day thursday thru sunday. Then into high dose chemo (as opposed the AVBD and ICE I already recieved).
By the way in case you didn't know....Cancer Sucks
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