Ok –
So let me start off by saying I really appreciate all the calls and concern. We just finalized the treatment plan today and I just thought that instead of calling everyone and explaining it a million times it would be easier to type it up.
The plan this time is to use a combination of chemotherapy, stem cell transplant and radiation. The stem cell transplant it is the new way to do what many of you would know as a bone marrow transplant. The good news is that I will be using my own stem cells so I don’t need to look for a donor. Many of you have offered and I am so thankful for that – even though I don’t need it there might be someone else out there who does so if you’re interested in finding out more about the registration process go to this site.
http://www.marrow.org/ (ok enough with the public service announcement.)
I will begin chemo on Tuesday, May 16th. This new chemo is administered over a 3 day period. I am going to have 3 cycles of chemo so my dates are; May 16-18 and May 30 – June 1
Then scans and lots of tests the week of June 5th to ensure it is working.
If all is well…chemo again on June 13-15
Then drugs to get my stem cells out and about June 19th – 23rd
Then harvesting stem cells June 26th – 28th (these dates will move depending on my levels/lab work)
First couple weeks of July some high dose chemo and then the stem cell transplant
Then for about 30 days I will got to the Dr. everyday to ensure I that don’t get sick since my body will be trying to re-establish my immune system
Then a break and probably Aug-Sept 28 days of radiation.
So – that is the plan. Sounds like fun huh?
I plan on beating this again so no worries…I know with your help and my kick butt attitude we will do this again!
xoxo – Becca