Harvard makes innovations in Hodkin's research
Innovations in Hodgkin's Lymphoma research -
If you are here your life has probably been touched by cancer in some way. Maybe it is you, a family member or a friend. I hope you find the information here helpful in some way. For those of you who are fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on how to look at it) enough to be part of my life already thanks for checking up on me. At the end of the day just remember, that in the long run it's just cancer and the way you chose to look at the journey sometimes determines where you end up.
Innovations in Hodgkin's Lymphoma research -
So - I had my one year check up and everything is still CLEAR! I can't believe it has been year since the transplant - life has changed so much. I have never been happier. I have a great boyfriend, a loving family and amazing friends. The journey of life is such an adventure - I am blessed to be on it!